I love Harley's.. i love being on the back of a bike.. I plan on getting my own this fall
I think pizza is a perfectly acceptable breakfast food
I can never find sock, my keys or my cellphone when i'm running late.
I get cold when it 60s degrees outside.
Certain songs make me cry.
Sometimes my cats are better company then anyone.
My sister is my best friends.
The Simpsons never get old to me.
I hate wearing shoes.. and i drive in barefeet.
I hate Highheels.. but they make my butt look good.
I laugh about stupid things.
I still think old school nintendo is the best game system ever.. don't even argue with me..
I have to sleep with 5 or more pillows.
i set 10 alarms to get up in the morning.. and still hit the snooze button a million times.
Everything tastes better when i'm drinking.
I love to kiss.. kiss me and i will kiss you back.
My favorite time to get coffee is at 2am... and your my favorite if u go with me.
i hate snow..
but love snowball fights.
i think gummy worms are way better then gummy bears
Drinking beer right out the pitcher always tastes better.
Cover band are the best (ie: modern bliss 3)
i'm a vegetarian.. get over it.
Bite my neck and i'm yours forever.
Rough please

pull my pigtails.. you always do anyway
hoodies and jeans are the best.. period.
I'm a sentimental fool.
Give me Gerber Daisy...please lol
Hug me and tell me its gonna be ok.
Don't wake me up from my nap.
I'll take music over TV anyday